Jehovah Jireh Children’s Medical Clinic

Children are a precious gift from God! Gospel Express has been partnering with Jehovah Jireh Junior School in Kampala, Uganda. This ministry takes in orphaned and vulnerable children providing a loving home and Christian school for them. Some are sponsored by Gospel Express donors. Many have been neglected and severely abused. Many are born with HIV/Aids or have contracted the disease through sexual abuse. Some were victims of human trafficking. We help provide counseling for the trauma they have experienced, where these precious jewels share their heart-wrenching untold stories.

Some of our team was there in May and witnessed the passion of Fazira Nabirye (founder) and her staff and the joy that radiates from these beautiful young children amid very humble surroundings. As Lonnie, our Business Manager stated, “It’s hard to put into words how overwhelmed I felt when I stood in their midst, witnessed what God is doing, and was deeply moved to help.”

Fazira’s heart cry right now is the necessity of an on-site medical clinic that can provide much-needed medical services to their HIV community and those who have been raped and abused. Our goal is to raise at least $12,000 for this essential clinic.

Jehovah Jireh Ministries provides a beacon of hope to those who are neglected and forgotten. We can all embody the Spirit of Christ by helping these children. You can help today by clicking below.