The Joy of Receiving a Bible!

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”

Isaiah 40:8

January 1-February 28, 2025

Every page you read provides Bibles to pastors, villagers, prisoners, and school children throughout the continent of Africa!

How it works:

  1. Register: Scan the QR code to register online or mail the enclosed Signup Sheet to Gospel Express. See back of this flier for mailing address & QR code.
  2. Find sponsors: Give the Sponsor Letter as you ask family, friends, and neighbors to support you in this reading challenge to spread the Gospel. See “Ways to Sponsor” for ideas on ways they can pledge to sponsor you. List the sponsors and their pledges on the Sponsor Log.
  3. Pick your books: Choose the books you’re interested in reading and list them on the Reading Log. See “What Counts” below.
  4. Select your reading period: Choose any 30-day reading period between January 1 and February 28, 2025.
  5. Enjoy reading: Have fun reading, learning, and enjoying the adventures of stories!

Click to view the flyer for more info

Who can participate?

  • Individuals (children & youth up to age 18)
  • Church Groups
  • School Groups
  • Home School Groups
  • Business Sponsors
  • Individual Sponsors

*Participants need to be at least of Preschool age (having parents read to them will count).

Reader/coordinator packets with materials needed for reading period will be sent out by December 20, 2024.

Registration Deadline:

November 29, 2024

Sponsor Pledge Deadline:

December 31, 2024

Ways to Register:

  • Get a group coordinator (e.g. teacher, parent, etc.) established or decide that you will participate as an individual.
  • Contact Gospel Express and ask for Cassie to receive intro packet(s):
  • Mail the printable signup form to Gospel Express address Attn: Cassie.
  • Signup online by clicking the reader signup form button below.

Questions? Contact Gospel Express and ask for Cassie: call (828) 859-7003 or email