Closed! Closed! Closed! International borders are closed. Schools, businesses, restaurants, sports venues, churches, and bars… all currently or previously closed! Prisons, nursing homes, and hospitals are closed to public visitation. The closings have been unprecedented! This global upheaval has shattered economies, placed unparalleled social restrictions on billions while many millions have tested positive with COVID-19, including all our ministry staff in late May/early June. In fact, in July, after my own recovery, I was blessed to be able to help my sister care for our 94-year-old dad during his sickness with COVID-19. Praise God he is well, and back behind the mower 😊.
As fear and frustration gripped our nation, many third world countries faced severe food shortages due to strictly enforced travel bans and curfews. Pastors addressing the severity of the problem said, “The new virus here in Uganda is called hunger. Some are saying they would rather die from the virus than die of starvation. Many fathers see their children hungry. They can’t provide food so they run away, and single moms are now privately seen eating potato peelings; food we would only give to pigs.”Yet, beneath the chaos and suffering, new and perhaps unprecedented ministry opportunities are surfacing.
We see God opening WINDOWS to extend the reach of ministry both stateside and international. Compassion hearted donors, including children, have given generously and sacrificially during this crisis in unexplainable ways we have not seen before. We have and continue to witness the reality of “give and it shall be given unto you” as God has opened the WINDOWS of heaven and poured out His blessings on this ministry, despite so many canceled or postponed services and fundraisers. Gospel Express simply serves as a channel of God’s abundant resources; stewards of what He entrusts into our care.
A mother from Oregon sent a donation with a note, “Two of our children were saving money to buy a horse but decided to give it to feed hungry children in Africa…” Pastor Ben from Uganda proclaimed, “I believe it’s now more fertile ground than at any time before. We have just gone house to house and given food to 52 more families who had been going to bed hungry. Church gatherings are suspended, but many complete families are coming to Jesus Christ. People are not only hungry for food but also for the Word of God.” Sister Alice from Uganda says, “Many people are giving their lives to Jesus Christ through door-to-door food distribution and evangelism. The discouraged and hopeless have renewed their vows and commitments to the Lord.” Pastor Daniel remarked, “I witnessed tears of joy as we distributed food for 210 teachers and their families. They’ve had no income since the end of February.” Chaplain Nsibiet from Nigeria adds, “This is the first of its kind in the history of Nigeria – we can’t go to prisons but we brought ex-inmates together for teaching, and 35 out of 44 accepted Jesus Christ. Now we plan to meet once a month for discipleship.” These are new WINDOWS of ministry, that parallel with our core values of evangelism, discipleship, and compassion, made possible through your generous donations.
Here in America, most prisoners find themselves in locked down conditions with no visits allowed and no programs scheduled. We agree with chaplains that the demand for printed materials (Bible study courses) is at an all-time high. This vital avenue of ministry has also been funded in unexplainable ways. One couple said, “We became aware of the financial need for Bible study courses and have decided to send our stimulus proceeds (US Government check) to help with that need.” And just today a church in Georgia donated $5000 for Bible courses! May God richly bless each one who has given! Every gift matters.
Another WINDOW that I see is one that leads to greater works through intercessory prayer. We should all see a greater need to pray for our government leaders, law enforcement officers, pastors/ministry leaders, and those who are suffering around the world. Also, may we continue to pray for the millions of caregivers who have become “hope givers” for those in hospitals, care centers, and homes across the world. Let us keep looking up, lifting our eyes unto the fields that are ripe unto harvest. Many of today’s challenges can be turned into channels of ministry if we can see the world through the eyes of God. It’s all by His grace, through the Holy Spirit and for His Glory.
Click here if you want to partner with us to bring relief to those suffering in Africa.