Witch Encounters the Living God


Despite COVID-19 regulations for international travel, the mission team was able to travel to Uganda in January of 2021 and minister to many people. One of the avenues of ministry was medical clinics. There, many people, one of which was Sarah, came to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. She sat under the tent awaiting her turn to meet with a doctor for medical assistance and was able to hear the Word of God being preached. The pastors prayed for her and she was delivered from her life of witchcraft!

Bishop Dickson testifies, “One of the greatest miracles that took place during the medical clinic outreaches was when a divination and witchcraft queen named Sarah gave her life to Jesus Christ. She abandoned all her witchcraft and has now even led her sister to Christ. Sarah had customers in the UK, Canada, Dubai, South Africa, Switzerland, and many other countries. We praise God that His word and the message of salvation came with power and were not kept in lockdown due to fear.

We indeed praise God for the miraculous change that transpired in the life of Sarah! We anticipate God will use her to influence others for Christ where she once influenced them for the devil. In fact, Sarah is already influencing others for Christ such as her sister and the people in the village where she's from; praise the Lord!

The joy of receiving a Bible in her own language…please keep Sarah and the many others who gave their lives to Christ at the medical clinic outreaches in your prayers.